Ringmaster, the new name for Curious 'Original Pale Ale' - Magic Rock Brewing

It was brought to our attention recently that one of our flagship beers ‘Curious’ was infringing the trademark of another UK drinks producer. Chapel Down have been producing a number of beers under the name ‘Curious’ for a few years now and unfortunately we’d unwittingly chosen the same name for our ‘Original Pale Ale’ when started back in 2011.

This was a completely honest mistake on our part (we should have done our research better) and with this in mind and the interests of the blood pressure of all involved, Magic Rock Curious will from now on be re-branded as ‘Ringmaster’. Likewise any existing or future sub-brands of our Curious branded beer such as ‘Curious NZ’ will carry the Ringmaster name and become Ringmaster NZ.

Obviously this will be a little disruptive for us and its a shame to lose the goodwill we’d grown around our ‘Curious’ brand but we completely understand Chapel Down’s position in protecting their brand, they own the trademark and they’ve been very decent about it. There are no hostile feelings and in their position we’d have done the same .

Please note that after the 10th November any new casks or kegs of our 3.9% Original Pale Ale entering the market will be re-branded as ‘Ringmaster’. We know information travels quickly in the beer industry and we’d appreciate your help in spreading the word that ‘Ringmaster’ is the new name for the Magic Rock beer previously labelled as Curious.

Original Pale Ale 3.9% Ringmaster our flag ship pale ale, is the beer you’ll want to drink every day. Pale in colour but unlike other pale ales lacking nothing in the flavour stakes. We use plenty of US hops to give the beer a floral/grassy aroma and lip smacking citrus flavours which combine with a defined malty character to make a magically moreish and quenching beer. Its session beer the same but different, conjured for flavour…