Brodies Beers & The Great Alphonso - Magic Rock Brewing

We brewed the first of two collaborative beers with Brodie’s Beers last week, a 5.6% hybrid US style pale ale/fruit beer infused with Mango. As the character of some US hops is often likened to tropical fruits we thought we’d try and intensify and accentuate that flavour with tropical fruit added at two stages in the brew. Here are the tasting notes:
“A collaboration with the Fabulous Brodie’s Beers of London, in true Brodie’s style we brewed a fruity twist on a modern classic. An all pale malt body and balanced bitterness creates the background to let the fruit shine. We added loads of richly sweet mango’s in the boil and again in fermentation to accentuate the tropical fruity character of the Citra hops added in the hop back and in conditioning. Deeply fruity yet deliciously crisp and satisfying, all hail The Great Alphonso!”
We will also be keeping a portion of the beer back and inoculating it with souring bacteria in some of our used wooden casks, as a first Magic attempt at a sour beer, which should be a fun experiment if nothing else.
On the subject of sour beers, head brewer Stuart was down in London last weekend to brew the second of our collaborative brews with Brodies, a Berliner Weisse style sour beer flavoured with blueberries. If you’ve tried Brodies peach and cherry sours recently you’ll be as excited as we are about tasting this!

High Wire
High Wire NZ
Dark Arts
The Great Alphonso
High Wire
High Wire NZ
Rock Star
The Big Top
Human Cannonball
Bearded Lady
Dark Arts Sherry Bramble Barrel
Clown Juice Tequila Brettanomyces
Magic 8 Ball Chardonnay Brettanomyces
Big Top Brandy Barrel
The Great Alphonso
Brodies/Magic Rock Blueberry Sour
See you all on the 9th!