A Half Way Around the World - Magic Rock Brewing

A Half Way Around the World - Magic Rock Brewing

Marisa, our Brand & Marketing Manager is back at it again with another, hopefully thought provoking and nonfactual piece. This time about two of her favourite things. Beer and travelling solo. Over to her…


You’re probably thinking beer? Travel? What do these two have to do with one another? I’m on a flight to Reykjavik, ironically looking through the drinks menu and have spotted an IPA called, Transatlantic IPA! My mind immediately went to, what breweries do they have here in Iceland? Where do they get their inspiration from? Who might they get their inspiration from? Is it the sounds, textures, smells, tastes and landscape in Iceland, or do they look somewhere further?

I get most of my inspiration, if not all, through my solo travels – which I am very lucky to have been able to do a lot of. The connection immediately popped into my head, beer, its industry and travel. They both evoke certain emotions that bring me back to who I am, sometimes solidifying my purpose either within the industry or in life, that we all sometimes question. Some of my closest friends joke and call me the Accidental Nomad, but to me it just sounds like a great name for a beer…

The beer industry is a unique and beautiful one. I’ve only been in the industry a little under two years now, most of which I was working behind Magic Rock’s taproom. However, I can confidently say that many of my acquaintances have now turned into friends, which then occasionally turn into family.

Humble Sea Brewing collaboration day.

Collaboration day with Left Handed Giant and Deya, down in Cheltenham.

Through the collaborative nature of the industry, inspiration is fostered and creativity is embraced. We get to meet people from all over the world, who speak different tongues, travel from different lands, originate from different backgrounds, who hold different shapes, sizes, and colours. More recently, on one of my trips to America I met some amazing people from all over the country at Aslin’s 3rd Birthday festival in Virginia. Now we’re working on a beer with a few of the people I met – It feels good when things like that happen so naturally.

John from Hop Culture at Aslin’s Birthday. Herndon, Virginia. September 2018.

Let’s chat about all of the inspirational artwork that fuels the craft beer market. Branding is so important, and it’s been truly amazing to see so many breweries embrace not only branding, but artists and their work/career. It’s not the afterthought anymore. Change is the only consistent thing in this world and I’m looking forward to seeing how the industry will develop its artwork, creative nature and branding over the next few years.

Since I moved away from where I grew up in California, I have travelled throughout Europe and to places far and wide. I was 19 when I decided to pick up my life and move without knowing anyone. Whenever moving or being alone would bring me down, I would choose a new country to fly to for a few days.

Iceland, September 2018.

Throughout my travels over the last four years, I have met different types of people, many of whom I still hold very close. I’ve met people from all over the world, who speak different tongues, travel from different lands, originate from different backgrounds, who hold different shapes, sizes, and colours. Travelling solo forces, you to jump out of your comfort zone; talk to people you’ve never talked to, try to communicate despite language barriers and collaborate in conversation.

I would like to think of myself as a creative person – and travelling sparks a powerful sense of inspiration, creativeness and freedom. The same way artwork does within the industry. Every time I travel somewhere new, it’s the landscape, hidden local gems and architecture that fuel my creativity and inspiration again – whenever I’ve lost it.

Thailand, April 2018.

In short, as in everything in life, sometimes travel or beer pulls people apart. However, it also brings people together; and that’s a beautiful thing.